Better student outcomes
start with better learning environments.
We envision a future where better school design is the rule, not the exception.
The Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) is a nonprofit organization that works to ensure all K-12 students have access to environments that support learning and wellness.
We help facilitate and inspire transformational change in America’s education system by changing the way schools are designed, constructed, and operated.

Student centered
Student outcomes including academic performance, health, wellness, and safety are at the core of our work, and the foundation upon which CHPS’ strategic programs are built upon.

School focused
CHPS is the first and only building performance standard developed to meet the unique needs of K-12 school districts and we see schools as a critical catalyst for change.

CHPS works to align the industry around a powerful vision and collaborates with diverse partners involved in improving the lives of students through the lens of school buildings.
Improving K-12 schools nationwide
School facilities constructed or renovated using CHPS high performance building criteria are more energy and water efficient, and make a difference for students, teachers, and communities. CHPS has worked with over 60 school districts nationwide on more than 700 projects to give millions of enrolled students better learning environments.

Deepening engagement and impact
While CHPS is best known for its performance criteria and recognition programs, there’s more to be done — and quickly — to address the state of our schools and give all students access to the learning environments that they deserve. Our new 2024 strategy has resulted in a robust portfolio of new programs in various stages of development designed to deepen industry collaboration and scale impact.

Supporting our members
We work with and grow a collaborative of CHPS Members — a diverse group of experts and other stakeholders committed to improving student outcomes through the lens of buildings. Members gain access to CHPS Criteria, bespoke project support, a network of experts, and other resources to effectively plan and execute high performance schools.

“Thanks to CHPS hundreds of schools in our district serving thousands of students deliver healthier indoor environments, better daylighting and acoustics, and are more comfortable. These factors make a big difference in how students perform in the classroom and boosts their overall wellbeing when they are at school.”
— Christos Chrysiliou, Director of Architectural and Engineering Services for the Facilities Services Division of the LA Unified School District and CHPS Board Member
Featured news and projects
Partners step up in support of CHPS flooring program.
Craig Schiller shares insight into journey to boost healthy learning through high performance design.
CHPS welcomes Shaw Contract
Crumbling buildings, busted budgets all too common
Climate change puts heat on mitigation and building resiliency strategies
Toolkit offers guide to applying for the EPA’s Community Change Grant program.
Flooring company gets behind new program
Please help us develop turnkey solutions for better schools that foster better learning.
High performance schools build educational, financial value
Don’t miss the 2024 Green Schools Conference
CHPS and partners are launching a new campaign to change how industries collaborate to support our public schools.
New building earns CHPS Designed status as high performance school facility
Will be Catalyst in formation of new program
Signs on to sponsor Minor Renovations Program
High Performance schools conference hits Denver Oct. 25-27.
Engineering firm Salas O’Brien signs on as Minor Renovations sponsor.
Quattrocchi Kwok has stepped up to sponsor CHPS’ newest program.
CHPS is assembling a coalition to develop, demonstrate, and scale effective high-performance facility improvements grounded in student outcomes.
CHPS will host a free webinar on Aug. 9 to introduce its new Minor Renovations Program.
CHPS board member retiring from CY-Fair ISD.
Calabash Charter Academy earns CHPS Verified status.
CHPS member ArchNexus designs a winner in Elk Grove, CA.
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD honors Roy Sprague with new campus.
Fremont High School in the Oakland USD (CA) earns CHPS Verified status.
The Logan Memorial Educational Campus in CA earns CHPS Designed status.
Ocean View Elementary School in Albany, CA earns CHPS Verified status.
Irene Nigaglioni shares passion, expertise for healthy learning
Design-build firm The Neenan Company recently led the architecture and construction for the district-wide renovation project for Yuma School District in northeast Colorado
Friends Seminary, a K-12 school in Manhattan built in the mid-1800s completed a renovation and expansion utilizing CHPS Criteria.
Featured members
RNT Architects is committed to sustainable design and healthy learning.
HMC aims to create future-focused, healthy, resilient schools.
IN2Architecture is an architectural design firm with the goal to create places that spark innovation, ideas and insight for the teachers and students who use them.
QKA is a design firm passionate about education and using their talents, expertise, and vision to design purposeful and distinctive school environments.
Bryan Construction is a Colorado-based firm with deep experience in the construction and renovation of educational facilities.
The Green Engineer is a consulting firm based in Massachusetts focused on sustainable design, construction and operations.