Another success story for LAUSD
Los Angeles Unified School Districts’ modernization plan calls for the replacement of outdated portables with permanent modular buildings designed for 21st century learning. So CHPS member American Modular created a custom hybrid design this project at Calabash Charter Academy in Woodland Hills, CA, that meets LAUSD’s districtwide specs and CHPS sustainable standards—both must-haves.
Photos courtesy American Modular
AMS’ design-build project (CHPS Verified in June 2023) included two scalable configurations—a pair of 90×32 elementary buildings and a 144×40 TK-K building with in-classroom child-sized restrooms– unified with low-maintenance exteriors that mix neutral-colored stucco, tile and lap siding with red doors and accents. To allow large windows without bars, AMS applied School Guard Glass security glazing with anti-graffiti film—a more aesthetic look that brings in natural light. Deep 8’ overhangs shade walkways and maintain interior comfort while boosting energy efficiency. Get more details on this great project here.