CHPS technical office hours

Have technical questions about CHPS criteria? Unsure how to register your project? Or maybe you'd prefer to ask your question 'in person' rather than via email?

To help, CHPS offers monthly Technical Office Hours for CHPS members. There is no need to register. Simply use the link below to pop into our Zoom meeting anytime from 10 a.m. - noon CST and a member of the CHPS staff will be available to answer your questions.

While no advance notice is required, if you have a question/subject you'd like us to prepare for ahead of time feel free to email Technical Lead Alex Buchanan.  

We hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity to get the information you need, and maybe connect with other CHPS members in the process.


10 a.m. - noon CST, First Thursday of each month.
Next: Thursday, April 3, 2025


Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID:  890 2936 4403

Passcode: 2SnF7K


Green Schools Conference Mar. 3-4