CHPS Members represent all areas necessary to develop and implement holistic solutions to high performance school buildings centered around student outcomes. These include school districts and facility experts; think tanks, NGOs, and topic experts in building science, education, and student health and safety; building designers and architects; utilities; and state agencies.

Roy Sprague Middle School (TX) - photo courtesy of Cypress-Fairbanks ISD


School districts across the country are CHPS members, spread across 12 states plus Washington, D.C.

Quick facts


Organizations/companies are CHPS members representing all five U.S. regions. Half of these are designers/architects.


Of CHPS members have been part of CHPS for more than five years. We appreciate their enduring commitment!

member ROLES

Members are involved in CHPS existing and emerging strategic programs designed to raise the standard of school performance across the U.S. Not only do their financial contributions (in the form of annual membership fees) allow CHPS to provide free resources for schools and districts, they also contribute a wide range of ideas, perspectives, and resources that help drive our mission.

Specifically, members play a role in:

  • Contributing to the continuous updating and refinement of CHPS certification criteria.

  • Developing the Minor Renovations Program to help under-resourced schools identify, prioritize, and implement incremental – but critical – improvements that will meaningfully improve the health and wellbeing of their students.

  • Establishing an initiative designed to enable more schools to improve their physical environment by connecting them to funding sources and providing guidance on how to best use it.

  • Reaching more school districts through marketing, partnerships, and regional conferences, to advise and empower them to improve their student’s learning environments and drive better outcomes.

  • Educating more school districts on what practical steps they can take to bridge student health and community environmental priorities.

Learn more about member benefits, costs, and more by downloading our membership overview. (Please note that we are phasing out individual memberships as they expire.)


New members

Existing members

“Every community across the country deserves the best possible schools — with clean air, good lighting and acoustics, and thermal comfort — that improve student performance, reduce energy consumption, and are less expensive to operate. Our members are the ones that make this critical work happen.”

-Craig Schiller, CHPS Executive Director

Member profiles

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Interested in becoming a member, renewing an existing membership, or simply learning more? Contact us and a member of our team can help.